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WLH-DRS650 Series


WLH-DRS650 Series WLH-DRS650 Series WLH-DRS650 Series WLH-DRS650 Series WLH-DRS650 Series WLH-DRS650 Series

WLH series CNC Spinning and Turning Machine(Double Roller) is especially developed to spin kitchenwares, lamps, auto fittings, ventilations and art wares. It has many patents issued by the State Intellectual Property Office.This machine is practical, professional and strong. It has high production efficiency and can complete horn, bucket, cone type, parabolic products. It can also process threading, trimming, flanging and rolling at the same machine tool. The machine can spin many materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel,aluminum and copper etc. It has solved the traditional problems such as lack of skilled workers. With advanced digital control, it is easy to operate. The machine can improve the production efficiency, machining accuracy and saving the cost of human resources. It is the ideal processing machine for light, automobile, military, mechanic and other manufacturing industries.


Good workmanship, reasonable design and friendly service

Good workmanship, reasonable design and friendly service

  • 手機(jī): 13202091000
  • 電話: 0523 84850369
  • 郵箱: sales@hoston.cc
  • 地址: 江蘇省靖江市人民中路68號(hào)

撥打電話: 0523 84850369

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